Global Fulvic Solutions

What is fulvic acid?

Fulvic acid (FA) results from the microbial breakdown and subsequent humification of organic matter in soils over millions of years. The presence of secondary plant metabolites in our products confirms its organic origin.

The organic acid molecules within our products can also be found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. Our products contain two types of fulvic acids: fulvates (salts of fulvic acid) and free-form fulvic acids (pure fulvic acid)*.


 * The two forms of fulvic acid have a double action in biological systems. Research shows fulvates (chelated minerals) are readily absorbed by our cells as nourishment. Free-form fulvic acid enhances the metabolism of nutrients ingested from our diet — vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins. FTP-50 products have a mixture of naturally occurring organic acids and antioxidants for efficient energy production and electrolytes for superior hydration.


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Organic acids like these are what gives fruits and vegetables their nutrient density. They can remineralize water and replace or replenish missing trace minerals in our diet.

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Fulvic acid (FA) contains many polyphenols, but not all polyphenols are in fulvic acid. The composition of a fulvic acid source can vary greatly in mineral, organic acid, and trace mineral content. There is quite a bit of information about fulvic acids in the scientific literature, but it is not identified as such. It shows up under the classification of specific flavanones or flavonols.  See the schematic to clarify the FA family tree to the left.     

FA is naturally ionically charged, which allows it to bond with trace minerals in its environment. Mineral-bound fulvic acid is known as fulvates. In biological systems, fulvic molecules reduce the surface tension on the outer cellular membrane to permit an increase in oxygen and micronutrient absorption.     

FA is considered a catalyst for the absorption of nutrients. The absorption of nutrients is accomplished in several ways. FA chelates minerals bonding with them for easier assimilation and easier removal of heavy metals. FA can have antioxidant properties that prevent the proliferation of free radicals and encourage the development of more mitochondria in cells for increased metabolic energy.  They also have an effect on gene signaling and have been shown to help metabolize lipids and carbohydrates, shuttling carbs and sugars into the muscle rather than fat storage. FA is mostly digested in the gut and some studies indicate it aids in a proper gut microbiome for better digestion and immune support.     

FA molecules donate electrons to free radicals, which classifies them as antioxidants. The 33 organic acids in our FTP-50 product function as antioxidants.     

33.9 million years ago, our deposit developed into a complex of 33 organic and amino acids, 70+ trace minerals, and other synergistic components not found in other sources of fulvic material.

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