What is fulvic acid?
Fulvic acid (FA) results from the microbial breakdown and subsequent humification of organic matter in soils over millions of years.
The presence of secondary plant metabolites in our products confirms its organic origin.
The organic acid molecules within our products can also be found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. Our products contain two types of fulvic acids: fulvates (salts of fulvic acid) and free-form fulvic acids (pure fulvic acid)*.
The organic acid molecules within our products can also be found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. Our products contain two types of fulvic acids: fulvates (salts of fulvic acid) and free-form fulvic acids (pure fulvic acid)*.
* The two forms of fulvic acid have a double action in biological systems. Research shows fulvates (chelated minerals) are readily absorbed by our cells as nourishment. Free-form fulvic acid enhances the metabolism of nutrients ingested from our diet — vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins. FTP-50 products have a mixture of naturally occurring organic acids and antioxidants for efficient energy production and electrolytes for superior hydration.
long-lasting nonstick interior
for easy cleaning
Organic acids like these are what gives fruits and vegetables their nutrient density. They can remineralize water and replace or replenish missing trace minerals in our diet.