Global Fulvic Solutions

The most powerful plant based macro nutrient

The most powerful plant based macro nutrient

If you never heard of fulvic acid before, you just found the elixir that everyone is talking about. Nutrition experts have found in Microdose Mother Earth one of the most pure and unique concentrations of fulvic on the market, 100% Plant based.

If you are looking to change your life; the best way to do it is to start within. Detoxification & Cellular regeneration are the key ingredients for a new way of being, are you ready for the change?

Natures most rich nutrient source of minerals is here to break all the expectations and go beyond anything you’ve tried before. This macro-nutrient complex rich in Fulvic Acid is natures biggest secret as you probably have heard about folic acid, humic acid and many more, but….

What makes Fulvic so important in our daily nutrition?

Fulvic minerals are the essence to any living organism on the planet, that simple and easy, this magical product will become part of your daily routine for endless reasons. Fulvic acid is one component of humus. Humus is made of many organic compounds found in the Earth’s soils, rock sediments and bodies of water. Fulvic acid is created by gradual decomposition of certain plants and animals by the action of microorganisms during millions of years.

While people used to obtain higher amounts of humic acids naturally from the soil, today they often turn to food-grade supplements to boost their nutrient intake and improve gut health. Microdose Mother Earth contain a plethora of nutrients and active compounds that can help improve health.

Microdose Mother Earth is a macro nutrient extract from the most natural and rich source of Fulvic on the planet with more than 70 minerals, vitamins, aminoacids and electrolytes.

Our natural formula also includes:

  • Trace minerals
  • Fatty acids
  • Silica (which boosts collagen synthesis)
  • Prebiotics
  • Probiotics

We have spent years on research and testing to find the most pure, natural and powerful formula on the planet, and when it comes to purity and strength no one can beat Mother Nature.

Fulvic is one of the only substances available that can perform DETOX, REGENERATION and NUTRITION to a cellular level. Research suggests that something unique about fulvic acid compared to other organisms found within soil is that it’s able to easily pass through cellular membranes. This allows it to be properly absorbed and also boosts assimilation of other nutrients or supplements.

Due to is molecular weight can also help to carry other nutrients from food and supplements like iron to each cell. Once inside the cell, fulvic will start it’s second and most powerful function which is the detox process, it is one of the most powerful substances at this task because will not on only get rid off toxins and chemicals but it will transform any free radicals into valuable nutrients for our body to use.

Heavy Metals Detox

Fulvic Acid is the most powerful heavy metals detox that we know at the present time, and will chelate the excess from your body on a daily basis. This brings an add on for those looking to decalcify the pineal gland and bring back the connection we all hunting for, but let’s talk about this on our next post.

If this was not enough, fulvic acid is one of the most powerful electrolytes available on the market, our Alkaline formula with a ph of <11, will help to stabilise your gut microbiota as it is rich in probiotics and help to produce enzymes, so expect great changes in your digestion and wellbeing.

Our Deposit

Our deposit was formed over 30 million years ago from huge prehistoric plants that became a rich humus as a result of countless unaltered life cycles, eventually producing a concentrated variety of organic acid molecules.

It is a unique mine in the world because of its structure, as there are two different layers of earth: the upper one consists of organic matter of terrestrial origin, and the lower one is of oceanic origin, which was formed when the ocean invaded the interior of the land mass.

Geologically speaking, fulvic acid has the nature to attract all kinds of essential minerals from the earth including antioxidants, nutrients, enzymes and amino acids making them available for absorption by any living organism. Its structure is so complex that it has not yet been synthesised in any laboratory.

The mine is very rural and located in a wooded area with limited access. We guarantee that no chemicals have ever been applied or used. No explosives or large excavators are used in the extraction process.

Our Extraction process

Our extraction process ensures the maximum quality product as we do use an inverse osmosis system that prevent any heating or contamination. Each batch takes around 2 years to produce as we thrive to get to most quality product on the market. Our mine does not use heavy machinery or explosives to prevent damaging the environment.

So now that you know all the key components of this amazing product, let us guide you through on how Fulvic Acid can improve you life.

First and most important of all, taking Fulvic Acid every morning will immediately improve your health and wellbeing but on the long term we can expect great changes on our body:

Keep reading to find more

  1. Improves Gut Health and Immune Function

The compounds found in fulvic acid help nourish the digestive tract and also boost the ability of “good bacteria” to repopulate and form a healthy “microbiome” environment. We need a strong digestive system to build immunity, help control hormone production, regulate appetite, reduce stress response and much more.

As a result of gut permeability (when particles are able to escape through the gut lining and enter the bloodstream, where they shouldn’t normally be), inflammation is triggered and autoimmune reactions can occur.

There is some evidence that consuming fulvic acid can help decrease digestive disorders and other issues, including:

  • SIBO symptoms (small intestine bacterial overgrowth)
  • inflammatory bowel disorders
  • bacterial infections (respiratory, urinary tract, etc.)
  • the flu and common colds
  1. Helps Boost Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

Acquiring enough electrolytes and other trace minerals is important for proper metabolic functions, digestive health and nutrient assimilation.

Organisms we obtain from fulvic acid can be taken in small doses and still cause fast, significant improvements in the ratio of bacteria living in the gut. This helps lower many unwanted digestive symptoms, like constipation, bloating, diarrhea and food sensitivities.

Besides providing raw nutrients, studies show that fulvic acid transports minerals and other nutrients to cells more effectively, boosts absorption rate of nutrients by making cells more permeable and fights inflammation within the digestive tract.

“Fulvic acid is the best solution to the growing problem of environmental pollution of our bodies in the 21st century, because its natural ability to remove toxins from the cells is unmatched by any other method of detoxification of the body”

Dr. Carolanne Wright

  1. Protects Cognitive Health

A 2011 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that fulvic acid has several antioxidant, nutraceutical properties with potential activity to protect against cognitive impairments, including Alzheimer’s disease.

A contributing factor to the development of cognitive disorders is free radical damage and also a type of protein called tau, but studies show that fulvic acid helps lower the length of tau fibrils and their morphology, disassembling their performance and stopping disease progression.

Researchers have recently concluded that fulvic acid seems to have neuroprotective effects and is likely to provide new insights in the development of potential natural treatments for Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Improves Detoxification

Humic acids are beneficial for digestion and improving energy because of their detoxifying abilities. As a form of natural chelation therapy, humic acids are capable of binding to and breaking down toxins and metals that enter the body through the food supply, water, prescription medications, household products and air pollution.

Studies have found that humic acids have ion-selective electrodes that can be used for attracting heavy metals — even for filtering soils and water. That’s because they help bind to things like copper and iron.

  1. Lowers Free Radical Damage and Inflammation

Fulvic acid contains antioxidants that counter the effects of free radicals and also help detoxify the body of many toxins that contribute to the problem: chemicals used in agriculture, radioactive waste and heavy metals, for example.

It also helps extend the permeability and life of cells by providing electrolytes that have numerous functions within the heart, muscles, brain and digestive tract.

Is there a connection between fulvic acid and cancer?

Recent studies suggest that humic substances posses pharmacological properties that can help to defend against some types of cancer, including colorectal cancer.

  1. Improves Energy Levels and Lowers Pain

Many people taking fulvic acid supplements have reported improvements in energy levels, probably due to increased detoxification, lower levels of inflammation and free radical damage, and higher intakes of electrolytes and other key nutrients.

According to research done by Doctors Across Borders, studies have found that as natural and organic electrolytes, humic acids activate and energize nearly every biological process in the body. An electrolyte is soluble in water and works by conducting electrical currents, helping cells survive in the face of damage caused by things like emotional stress, uncontrolled infections, unbalanced diet, prolonged loss of sleep and surgical shocks.

This also makes fulvic acid useful for lowering chronic nerve pain, headaches, joint pain caused by arthritis, or bone and muscle pains associated with aging.

There’s some evidence that fulvic acid’s electrolytes can help reduce swelling, decrease inflammation, soothe and relax muscles, and improve circulation. Conversely, an electrolyte imbalance can cause these symptoms to worsen.

  1. Repairs and Protects the Skin

Some evidence suggests that humic acids have antimicrobial properties that fight harmful bacteria. They can help protect the skin and treat wounds or irritations caused by things like eczema, bug bites, scrapes and rashes associated with fungus/microbes.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigative Dermatology found that fulvic acid supplementation significantly improved symptoms associated with eczema, even compared to other other eczema treatments.

Other benefits that fulvic acid works to improve health:

  • As a major source of key electrolytes and antioxidants, fulvic acid helps slow down aging and controls processes that lead to inflammation.
  • It’s been shown to improve various cellular processes, muscle functions, digestive abilities, and heart and brain health.
  • It works in part by helping cells absorb the amount of minerals they need and discard of waste by acting as an ion transporter.
  • It can interrupt processes that contribute to brain disorders, such as dementia.
  • It has been shown to have immune-stimulating and antioxidant effects that may help slow down progression of cancer.
  • It also stimulates the immune system to helps defend the body from things like viruses and infections.
  • It seems to help block reactions in the body that cause allergy symptoms.

Why We Need Exposure to Soil-Based Organisms

The important of 8 drops a day. Microdose Mother Earth is the change you need in your daily nutrition.

Most adults and children today come into contact with less dirt, soil, organic crops or plants, and ocean water than past generations did. Thus, our immune systems don’t have the chance to become familiar with many different organisms and therefore don’t learn to protect us as well as they could.

In the past, our food supply was higher in naturally occurring fulvic acid and other nutrients because soils were less depleted, pesticide/herbicide chemicals were sprayed far less often, and people were less concerned about sanitizing their bodies and produce until they are squeaky clean. Modern farming techniques leave little time for fulvic acid to accumulate to soil, which can lead to an overgrowth of pathogens and a reduction in beneficial microbes in our food supply.

Unfortunately, many people today don’t have access to many organic foods and are deficient in at least several key nutrients, due to eating a highly processed diet and oversanitizing.

Because our immune system is largely made of healthy bacteria that live within the gut and thrive off of various nutrients, our overly clean, highly processed lifestyle raises the risk for many health problems associated with poor gut health. Research has shown that exposure to more natural organisms found in soil, such as fulvic acid, has benefits for:

  • digestion
  • boosting nutrient absorption
  • gut health
  • immunity
  • cognitive functioning
  • improving energy levels
  • protecting us from infections, viruses, yeasts and fungus
  • boosting skin health
  • slowing down aging
  • and more

How & when should you take Microdose Mother Earth fulvic acid?

This depends on if you take medications and when you eat. It’s a good idea to take Microdose Mother Earth acid on an empty stomach every morning. The normal dose is 8 drops on a glass of water. Every bottle comes with the exact doses for 2 months for 1 person.

You can take it a half hour before eating or two hours after eating to improve detox abilities. If using medications, take fulvic two hours after or before.

Chlorine interacts with humic acids in a negative way, so always use filtered water if possible or any normal bottled water.

Pills, sinthetic suplements and fulvic acid?

Nowadays, it is difficult to know where the truth is. Perhaps, if we stopped looking for all our solutions outside we would probably realise much sooner, that the solution first begins within us.

The constant search for happiness and well-being leads us insatiably to places we could not have imagined, and we all want to press the magic button that makes us feel good, now!

We live surrounded by paradigms in which wellbeing is sold as a drug, and we believe that by taking pills, supplements or simply putting our trust in a doctor or therapist, who sometimes really doesn’t know what’s wrong with us, we will solve all our problems.

Cancer, fibromyalgia, hashismoto, hypothyroidism and a host of auto-immune diseases are just a sign that our body is crying out to us, “Wake up and change!

If you suffer from any of the diseases mentioned here, you will feel identified when reading these lines and we imagine that many times you will ask yourself, What is happening to me?

The reality is that there is no miracle cure, well-being and Happiness are the combination of mental, physical, emotional and energetic health.

You could drink “5 litres of Mircodose Mother Earth” a day and nothing will happen if you keep eating junk food, surrounded by toxic people and sitting in front of the TV without moving every day, it will be very difficult for you to see any positive results.

Dietary supplements like Microdose Mother Earth rich in fulvic acid are the basis for starting to detoxify and start regenerating the body, but they can’t do anything to change your emotions, your thoughts and especially how you face your day-to-day life.

Start by being aware that you want to change and take control of your life, health and wellbeing and you will find in Microdose Mother Earth an inseparable friend that will do for you what you cannot. Cellular regeneration and nutrition are the beginning of a change, to leave behind what we were and start experiencing a new way of living.

Remember only you can change, no one can do it for you.

Avoid Gurus, Follow Plants

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The best Fulvic Acid Suplement on the market

MICRODOSE MOTHER EARTH® 30ml | Fulvic Acid Macro Nutrients & Trace Minerals | 2 MONTHS SUPPLY | Detox – Regenerate – Nourish

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SKU: 7427135375811

Regular price €59,00 Sale

Fulvic minerals are the essence to any living organism on Planet Earth so if you want to go straight to the real deal, scroll to the bottom of the page to watch the product video information. To find fulvic acid testimonials press the reviews tabs. Every bottle of Microdose Mother Earth Includes 62 (30ml)...


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