Thyroid Problems? Learn About The Benefits Of Microdose Mother Earth Rich In Fulvic Acid.

The most powerful & natural solution for your Thyroid disorders
Thyroid disorders can have a negative impact on almost every aspect of life. From weight problems to depression and anxiety. The health of the thyroid gland is vital to maintaining good physical, mental and emotional condition.
Studies and scientists confirms that the use of fulvic acid suplements has a tremendous positive impact in our endocrine system helping to improve and restore thyroid health.
The thyroid, a small gland shaped like a bow tie, plays a key role in controlling metabolism, or how the body works. The thyroid produces hormones and chemicals that travel through the blood to all parts of the body. These hormones tell the body how fast it should work and use energy.
Malfunctions of the thyroid (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or hashismoto) are usually due to the body’s auto-immune response. This is where the immune system produces antibodies that attack the gland and then cause the production of hormones to be affected. Usually the cause is due to mineral deficiency and accumulation of toxins and heavy metals such as chlorinated substances, viruses, pathogens, infections, pesticides, enzymes or altered hormones, etc.
“Fulvic acid is the best solution to the growing problem of environmental pollution of our bodies in the 21st century, because its natural ability to remove toxins from the cells is unmatched by any other method of detoxification of the body”
Dr. Carolanne Wright
Several nutrients, such as iodine and selenium and amino acids play an important role in our health, as they are converted by the thyroid to the T3 and T4 hormones.
The same happens when we have deficiencies of B vitamins, zinc and other minerals, including electrolytes, as they are another cause contributing to the symptoms of thyroid problems.
Natural treatments for thyroid problems
Studies show that there is a possibility of repairing and restoring thyroid function naturally. Here are a few suggestions to help you restore your thyroid health:
Heavy metal intoxication in thyroid problems
While heavy metals are abundant in the environment, four specific heavy metals damage the thyroid the most. Those heavy metals are aluminum, cadmium, lead, and mercury.
Commonly found in toiletries like deodorant, over-the-counter medications like antacids, food additives, cookware, and vaccines, aluminum oxidizes the thyroid, inhibits iodide uptake, limits thyroid hormone production, and can mislead the immune system to attack the thyroid, as seen in autoimmune disease.
Cadmium is released via mining and smelting activities and is present in batteries, pigments, plastics, sewage, and phosphate-based fertilizers. Cadmium triggers thyroid enlargement, produces multinodular goiters of the thyroid, reduces thyroglobulin secretion, and can induce thyroid cancer.
One of the earliest heavy metals recognized for its toxicity, Lead remains high in the environment thanks to its use in the paint used in old housing, some metal jewelry, children’s toys, mining, and other forms of industrialization. Lead exposure in work environments alone has been linked to reduced thyroid function and increased levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Mercury, found in seafood, dental amalgams, and pollution produced by coal-burning power plants, lowers iodide uptake in the thyroid and prevents thyroid hormone production.
Among all heavy metal toxins, chronic toxicity with aluminum, lead, and mercury can further damage the thyroid by recruiting antibodies to attack the thyroid. This process contributes to the development of autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD), such as Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The reason why fulvic acid is so efficent in Thryoid disorders
Because the production of antibodies against the thyroid does not always escalate into AITD, AITD arises in approximately only 5% of individuals and those individuals are more often women. Studies explain the reason for this is that females’ immune systems are more reactive than males’ even in other species. This evolutionary feature helps females fight off disease more effectively, most likely to ensure reproduction for healthy population growth. However, in humans, this places the woman’s thyroid at even greater risk of AITD. Men are not entirely excluded from AITH with their less reactive immune systems.
There is a mountain of scientific research on heavy metals in relation to human health. The problem is that heavy metals do not stay in your blood… they go into your fats. Heavy metals are systemic toxicants known to affect cellular organelles and components such as the cell membrane, the mitochondria, lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum system as well as the nuclei (RNA and DNA).
For instance Dr. Fritz Lorscheider and Dr. Naweed Syed of the University of Calgary demonstrated how Mercury causes brain neuron degeneration. The problem is that toxicity builds up slowly and, by inference, symptoms develop slowly.
The health-benefit of safer heavy metal detox with natural fulvic acid is that Microdose Mother Earth® has a much greater binding affinity to heavy metals than it has to other ions. Thus Microdose Mother Earth® pulls bivalent heavy metals off your cellular organelles and components, and this heavy-metal-humifulvate-bond is unbreakable (no undesirable re-uptake). Your cellular organelles and components now have a vacant divalent binding site that can be reoccupied by a health-beneficial cation such as Mg2+, Fe2+, Zn2+, Se2+, Cr2+ or Ca2+. The heavy-metal-humifulvate-bond is excreted permanently via your urine.
Mineral and Vitamin deficiencies: Make sure you get enough iodine, selenium, zinc and b-vitamins
Did you know that the thyroid is the organ with the highest selenium content? The mineral is necessary for the conversion of the hormones T4 and T3. Some of the best selenium foods that can be added to your diet to improve thyroid function include Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, halibut and organic oats.
To improve the symptoms of thyroid disease, make sure you are getting enough iodine, zinc and B vitamins in your diet. These nutrients are necessary for proper thyroid function and will help balance your hormone levels.
Reduce Toxins
Exposure to chemical toxins can cause inflammatory reactions that make it difficult for the thyroid to function properly. Certain medications, hormonal birth control pills, and commercial beauty or cleansing products should be avoided whenever possible. It is also worth mentioning that heavy metals such as mercury and amalgam fillings can alter the hormonal balance, which is why it can be helpful to see a holistic dentist and remove silver fillings
Fulvic Minerals - Detox, Nourish & Nutrition for Thyroid Problems.
The use of Microdose Mother Earth® rich in fulvic acid can prevent and treat diseases related to thyroid malfunction, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hashimoto, endocrine system problems and hormonal imbalance.
Clinical studies (See below for real case studies) in medical schools and hospitals show that specially prepared fulvic acid extracts regulate abnormal thyroid hormone secretion as a result of their ability to regulate RNA and DNA (cyclic nucleotides) at the cellular level.
Fulvic acid is one of the most important factors in reversing and preventing disease, as well as maintaining good health because Microdose Mother Earth® has over 70 minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and 20 amino acids. This miraculous molecule passes through the cell membranes with ease, providing each of our cells with all the necessary nutrients. Fulvic acid is one of the few natural substances capable of eliminating heavy metals and toxins from the body quickly and effectively. Fulvic acid has been shown to stimulate and balance cells, creating optimal conditions for growth and regeneration.
Euthyrox & Levothyroxine
Levothyroxine, the active principle of Euthyrox, is a synthetic thyroid hormone for the treatment of diseases and dysfunctions of the thyroid gland. It has the same effect as naturally produced thyroid hormones. By consuming it as a medicine, hopefully finding the right dose we will manage to reduce and even eliminate the symptoms but we will not be solving the problem at its root.
As we already know we must cleanse our organism of toxins and nourish our cells in order to recover our health. For them it is possible to consume Microdose Mother Earth® while we are medicated with levothyroxine. We simply have to take into account several aspects. Since fulvic acid increases the cellular permeability it is necessary to wait at least 2 hours between Microdose Mother Earth and Euthyrox (or any other medicine). This will allow your body to assimilate each of them independently without negative repercussions. Usually take the medication on an empty stomach in the morning, AND Microdose Mother Earth® in the middle of the morning is the best way.
Real Case Studies with Thryoid Tumors and Fulvic Acid
Thyroid tumor treatment with fulvic acid in China (Actual report on ten studies)
The thyroid tumor, a frequently seen disease, has been treated by a surgical procedure of thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland).
From March 1977 to April 1980, Dr. Shenyi He and his team treated 10 patients with fulvic acid. The results were successful. Follow-up visits with the patients showed that in eight cases the tumor disappeared without relapse. The details are listed below:
Clinical data:
Number of patients: 3 cases of men and 7 cases of women
Age: between 17 and 36 years old
Size and location of the tumor: 3-4 cm x 4-5 cm, next to the narrow band of the thyroid gland; 7 cases inclined to the left, three to the right.
Time between first detection of the tumor and beginning of treatment: 1 week to 10 years.
Patients with thyroid tumor were less than 40 years old. Tumors of all sizes and shapes, round or oval, were observed and had a firmer texture than the normal gland.
Treatment methods:
The regimen consisted of 20 days of three daily doses of 10 ml of syrup with 50% fulvic acid. The same regimen is repeated twice more.
The regimen consists of 20 days of intramuscular injection with a dose of 2 ml containing 0.20% fulvic acid twice a day.
An injection into the region of the tumor, 4 ml of 4% fulvic acid.
The regimen consists of 20 days of taking fulvic acid tablets (0.3 x 4#), three times a day.
Source of the material:
Ruichang prepares the fulvic acid syrup. The Ruichang County People’s Hospital manufactures fulvic acid tablets and solutions for fulvic acid injections.
Analysis of the therapeutic effect:
Within this group: Two patients after one cycle of treatment found that their tumor had disappeared; four patients found that their tumor had disappeared after two cycles of treatment; two found that their tumor had disappeared after three cycles of treatment; one patient did not complete the treatment; one patient after one cycle of treatment found that the tumor size had shrunk but was followed by surgical removal of the growth.
Thyroid tumor is a follicular adenoma. It is pocket-shaped with the internal wall as shrunken follicles, some appearing solid, randomly arranged, partially in the form of a fiber, possibly due to the action of fulvic acid. Complete cure: 80%; effective: 10%; no effect: 10% (The patient treated with surgical procedures was not included in these statistics).
Case 1: Mrs. Wang, 34, is married and works in a factory. In March 1977, she experienced elbow pain and neck discomfort. A ball-sized growth was found in her neck. She was examined as an outpatient and diagnosed with a thyroid tumor. After being treated with fulvic acid syrup for two months, the tumor shrank and eventually disappeared. Follow-up visits showed that there was no recurrence.
Case 2: Ms. Zhou is a 36-year-old married farmer. In October 1978, she discovered a growth on the front of her neck. Examination showed that the tumor was 4 x 5 cm in size, detectable near the left side of the narrow band. It was soft to the touch. It had a definite shape and did not hurt when pressure was applied. It would rise and fall when food was swallowed. He was diagnosed with a thyroid tumor. After a month of treatment with a fulvic acid injection along with fulvic acid tablets, the lump disappeared.
Case 3: Ms. Tan, 22, is a teacher in a private school. In April 1977, an egg-sized lump was found in the neck area. She felt inhibited in her breathing. After three regimens with intramuscular injection of fulvic acid, the lump was reduced in size. There has been no relapse since then.
Case 4: Mr. Liang, 17, is a student. The growth on his neck was discovered 6 years ago. It was located in the center leaning to the right, its size is 3 x 3 cm. Treatment began on April 2, 1979, consisting of injection of fulvic acid along with fulvic acid tablets. One month later the lump began to shrink and two months later it disappeared. Follow-up visits showed that there was no recurrence.
Case 5: Ms. Luo is a 30-year-old married woman. For more than a month she felt that she had a lump in her neck and her throat was itching. A tumor measuring 3 x 3 cm was detected on examination, detectable near the left side of the narrow band. It was medium firm to the touch and when pressure was applied, it did not hurt. It moved up and down when food was swallowed. After two diets
For more information about this study, please use this reference:
Shenyi He, et al; Humic acid in Jiangxi Province, 1 (1982). In: Application of Fulvic acid and its derivatives in the fields of agriculture and medicine; Chapter 34; First Edition: June 1993.
Microdose Mother Earth
Microdose Mother Earth is the most powerful bioactive solution with Fulvic Acid on the market. More quantity does not ensure better quality. Our research and development team has been able to find the exact extraction formula and thus obtain in a natural way a concentration so high that it exceeds any other similar product by at least 30% more in purity. Get all the benefits of one of the richest and most unique sources of fulvic acid that exists on this planet.
Not all fulvic acid supplements are the same and do not come from the same source. Be careful with metallic or clay mineral products as they can leave toxic mineral deposits in the tissues.
All of our batchs go through rigorous quality control, so we ensure the highest quality, concentration and purity.
How & when should you take Microdose Mother Earth fulvic acid?

If you are undergoing any medical treatment, you should consider speaking with your personal doctor about including fulvic acid into your routine.
It’s a good idea to take Microdose Mother Earth acid on an empty stomach every morning. The normal dose is 8 drops on a glass of water. Every bottle comes with the exact doses for 2 months for 1 person.
You can take it a half hour before eating or two hours after eating to improve detox abilities. If using medications, take fulvic two hours after or before.
Chlorine interacts with humic acids in a negative way, so always use filtered water if possible or any normal bottled water.
More Information:
For detailed information about our product visit the link below where you can find all the information you need about usage tips and recommended doses. Consult your doctor as fulvic acid improves the absorption of cell walls and this can alter and enhance the effect of medicines.
Each bottle contains the exact dose for 1 person for 60 days, which makes Microdose Mother Earth very economical at a price of 44 €💵 + shipping costs; We ship to anywhere in 🇪🇺Europe for an unbeatable price of 14,95 € 🇵🇹🇪🇸(Portugal & Spain only 5€ )and we offer free shipping for orders above 50 € 🛒
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